Saturday, December 26, 2015

Annual Numerology Predictions 1 to 9 for 2016

Numerology predictions

Annual Numerology Predictions 1 to 9 for 2016

Numerology is an ancient belief in the underlying pattern of mathematics prevalent throughout all of existence. The subject is vast, and numerologists make calculations to work out coincidences of events and numbers. Every year has a numerical value, from one to nine, and the year that a person is born also has such a value. The value is calculated by summing up all the numbers.
Summing up the numbers present in 2015 gives 8. The numerical value of year 2016
Numerology is a study of relation and effects of number on a person, this study is old and is still widely used to determine the fate of a person, numerology has been an old tradition in Chinese, Chinese numerology is world famous because of its true prediction and accuracy. Numerology was first developed by Chinese.
Numerology tells about the person, his physical and mental characterizes. It also tells about if circle in which he is living and which factors is going to affect his aura. Numerology also includes calculation of date of birth or time and according to that predicting for the person. Some of the numerologists do prediction based on double number system while some are good with single digit.
The shortest and best way to find one’s number is numerology calculator. Almost every numerology site has numerology calculator which asks certain questions like birth date and time. Numerology calculator has predefined functions and methods to find a person’s number. Numerology can be associated with astrology because the numbers are associated with planets and their motion. Numerology is now a vast sub

Numerology 2016: Personal Years 

Following is the forecast for all the numbers. Please select your number.
Number 1 numerologyNumber 2 numerologyNumber 3 numerology
Number 4 numerologyNumber 5 numerologyNumber 6 numerology
Number 7 numerologyNumber 8 numerologyNumber 9 numerology

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Chinese zodiac predictions for 2016

Chinese zodiac predictions

Chinese zodiac predictions for 2016, Year of the Monkey

2016 is year of the Red Monkey Male FireMonkey. The Chinese name of 2016 in the Chinese Horoscope calendar is  Chinese apply Five Elements (Metal, Water, Wood, Fire and Earth) into the Chinese calendar. is in the Fire group. The color of Fire is connected to Red.  is the calendar character corresponding to Monkey. Therefore, 2016 is the Red Fire Monkey year.
China has an entirely different and quite an elaborate zodiac system, consisting of different signs based on animal names. They have the sign not according to the month or the date but according to the year the individual was born in. Just like the English zodiac, they have 12 animals , each animal representing a year.
Read more:clik here

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Saturday, December 12, 2015

Vedic Astrology New Year Predictions 2016


2016 Horoscope – Overview

What does the 2016 horoscope have in store for you? 2016 brings many exciting promises, as you will learn from the horoscope for each zodiac sign. After a turbulent 2015, we are now facing a dynamic year of 2016 during which we are going to rethink our strategies. Our hope is growing with the advent of the new year and everyone asks the important question whether we will have a better future. Will your financial situation be better? Will you succeed in love and relationships? Will the family bring you peace? Can you look forward to have better work?
Next year is always a puzzle. But knowing how your life will be in 2016 in terms of career, love, finance, business and family can give a big boost to your overall well-being. Let the 2016 astrology predictions act as a road map in helping you make wise and right decisions. Focus on the right opportunity and do not let it escape. Always be ready – prepared for the worst, but stay tuned for the best.
The 2016 horoscope forecasts for Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces zodiac signs are right at your fingertips! Get started right away by clicking the sign below to know the forecast for the year ahead, including love and relationships, career and finance, health and well-being horoscopes for each sign/rasi.
Click on any sign/rasi below to read the detailed 2016 horoscopes:
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